Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Mrs. Chinn
I think that BCS should have a football team for 6th 7th and 8th graders. The school has sponsored it but there weren't enough proud dads and a teacher suspended it. The kids would have a great time. Also the kids would have more friends because they would bond. They did not try hard enough to get enough proud dads.Every middle school should have a football team. It would be awesome to compete against other schools in Colorado. It would be just like high school football. We could have cheerleaders, a band play for us, and even announcers. Having a football team is just like having a basketball or volleyball team. It would be so much fun!

            There used to be one but it got suspended. It is a law that girls and boys must have the same amount of sports. I think that we should try again because the kids would be happier. If you do it, Covington would be more popular and people would get to the NFL and be from Covington. Also that the other schools would make fun of us.When most middle school students enter their new building, they do not do so alone, but instead join with other pupils on a team. The process of teaming middle school students is a useful one that serves many purposes, leading many schools to adopt the practice as a way to help their students.
Physical activity is the most obvious benefit of sports participation. Children often spend too much time watching television or playing video games. But sports practices and games provide an opportunity for exercise that can help keep kids in shape and healthy. That's why BCS should have a football team.

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